ASO Factsheet

Afghans Support Organization (ASO) List of Proposed Projects for 2023.

The Afghans Support Organization ASO is a nonprofit, nonpolitical and nongovernmental NGO and shall be operated exclusively for charitable purposes and shall be serving in the health, education, Agriculture, social gathering and relief programs in Afghanistan.  The ASO registered with the Government of Afghanistan as National Non-Governmental organization (NGO) with the existence of main office of ASO in Kabul, Afghanistan. The ASO has been established in light of the eleventh and fourteenth articles of the Law of Non-Governmental Organizations in order to integrate the activities and identify the competencies and responsibilities of the leadership body, as well as to create order and discipline and to establish a transparent accountability system in the institution.

The ASO established in 06 March, 2023 by number of professional volunteers both male and female with the registration number 5767 as a non-governmental, and non-profit (NGO) in Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan. The ASO is dedicated to support particularly the Internal Displaced People IDPs, vulnerable women, men, youth, children including the most marginalized individuals addressing the most urgent needs of the target groups through relief projects, service provision, job creation projects, household food security and advocacy efforts to alleviate poverty and build their resilience.

Key thematic focus areas are Education, Livelihoods, Community Development, agriculture, Humanitarian Response, Women’s rights and WASH.

Afghans Support Organization (ASO) Team has the experience and recommend undertaking the following activities in any of the provinces and any of the clusters and sectors:

Cultivation and production of Mushroom

  • Production of tomato sauce/paste
  • Packing tea and natural spices (like mint, herbal teas, saffron mixed tea)
  • Process fresh Afghani fruit into dry fruit
  • Creating a restaurant and kitchen for women and the Origin Cultural Dishes
  • Establishment of the process center (jam and pickle) for quality products
  • Creation and strengthening of poultry farms
  • Literacy courses for women
  • Sewing and tailoring courses
  • English, Computer and refreshment courses.
  • Physiology Classes for adolescents’ girls
  • Three-month courses for organizing small business plans in different sectors for women
  • Business Development Trainings for Women-led Business
  • Marketing Training for Women-led Business
  • Carpet weaving
  • Honey Beekeeping
  • Fruit and dairy processing
  • Ball Making for women
  • Food/ cash for work projects: canal cleaning, Rehabilitation of Roads and culverts and Rehabilitation of existing irrigation system
  • Construction and rehabilitation of existing, Drinking Water supply networks
  • Rehabilitation of schools and implementation of WASH activities and public awareness in schools
  • Humanitarian Aid Distribution
  • Agriculture Projects (Value Chain of Fruits)
  • Providing Islamic, English and computer courses and workshops
  • Haircut/ barbershop courses WASH
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