The Afghans Support Organization (ASO) established in March, 06, 2023 as a non-governmental, and non-profit (NGO), registered under No. 5767 with the Ministry of Economy, Afghanistan. The ASO is dedicated to support vulnerable, women, men, youth, children including the most marginalized individuals, particularly IDPs and Returnees addressing the most urgent needs of the target groups through service provision, job creation, household food security and advocacy efforts to alleviate poverty and build their resilience.
Our thematic focus areas are Education, Health, Agriculture, Livelihoods, Community Development, Women’s rights, Women-empowerment, Nutrition, WASH, Vocational Trainings and humanitarian response.
Afghans Support Organization ASO willing to work with the all donors, especially with WFP, UNHCR, UNFAO, US Embassy, AKDN, SCA, and NCA to serve the most marginalized people of Afghanistan who reside in the most remote areas of the country.

Policies and Procedures: We have clearly defined SOP, Policies and procedures. Our organization is guided by the written principles.  Financial and Procurement Management Systems: The internal control framework designed for our procurement and financial management 5 units ensures the integrity of our organization and totally prevents any mal practices or mal intentions. The system is designed to be fully responsive for the needs of the day. The system ensures easily traceable pool fund management.
Diversification of Funding Resources for Sustainability: Afghans Support Organization ASO’s sustainability strategy includes working with government institutions, donors, development partners, private sector partnerships, regional and international alliances, and individuals.
Communication, Coordination and Reporting Systems: We believe that less or misinformation develops misunderstanding, for this reason we have a system in place that communicates the right amount of information at the right time for all the internal and external stakeholders. Each and every report is recorded with its relevant supporting documents. We believe that our partners have the right to know each and every step taken for the project implementation. Our Communication and external relation communicates the required information to our partners on timely basis.

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